I have read countless articles and books on how to succeed in business. Business authors and think tanks all claim programs or systems or philosophies that will produce the successes that everybody wants in the workplace.
The Business
Landscape and Challenges
But I have also spoken to a great number of CEOs and other corporate managers, and they keep saying one thing over and over: Regardless of the business philosophy they employ, they can’t find enough WORKERS who are adequately prepared for the workplace. They can’t find
people who believe simply in working hard.
Workforce Crisis: Then vs Now
These widespread impressions of management are borne out by statistics, which show young adult unemployment in this country at a level double that of 25 years ago.
I remember what 25 years ago was like. People would chuckle at the notion of the 30-year-old man who was living in his mother’s basement, playing video games. Nobody finds that a crazy idea now. It’s common.
The Changing Attitude of Young Workers
So, What are CEOs finding instead of willing and capable workers? They’re finding potential employees who:
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